The Magic of Synaesthesia

We believe the future stands just behind our shoulders, a place we cannot see.

Using inherited genetic abilities and all of our senses, we can feed a language of taste, shape, smell and colour into our brains. The results include music having a colour and musical notes appearing we can see in our minds as pictures; The food we eat takes on shapes and colours, numbers or images that can be tasted as red, blue or green and can be perceived as sharp, smooth, hostile or friendly.

“Talent” or “synaesthesia” allows you to hear in shapes and learn through visions, including numbers, music, speech and hearing. This ability accumulates into a different way of viewing the outside world, learning, remembering and doing.

This talent (synaesthesia) opens the brain to the language of possibilities and probabilities. These inherited abilities to use all of the body’s senses to be fed into the right brain function remain, and this genetic dominance of right brain function is our inheritance.

Right brain inheritance provides the ability to take in the outside world through all senses, allowing survival and the ability to hide in plain sight while being an observer. Those genetically inherited abilities, talents or synaesthesia, also called ‘intuition’ and ‘heart strength,’ can enter into dreams and visions.

Oral traditions identify that Solutrean People migrated across the ice of the Atlantic Ocean to North America, predating Jesus Christ. Discovered facts support this oral history that the Atlantic was much smaller and land masses greater. It is believed the passage was done using wooden sleds, skin boats and human ingenuity.

Nor American Native Genetics is recognized as being predominantly ‘O’ blood type. The harvesting of the genetics of the first Solutrean people who travelled across the ice caused ‘B’ type blood to be introduced into their genetics.

Harvesting is our Native Right on our Traditional Lands, as recognized and acknowledged by the Canadian Minister of Health. It has been our right since the beginning of time.

It remains the intrinsic right of all those who are the direct inheritors of our Mother and not "possessions" of patriarchal foreign culture to identify as women.

We also share the more recent history of the Vikings who came to our lands with others outside North America, including New Zealand, Japan, and the Polynesian regions.

History of “Blonde Giants” travelling to traditional lands, visiting and willingly donating their genetics to be harvested by Native Women, is a common factor. Yet unlike the later visitors/guests, namely the French, Dutch, and English cultures, the Vikings did not kidnap or enslave Native Peoples. They travelled and spread their genetics along the east coast into the rivers and waterways and St. Lawrence and Mississippi Rivers as far as the Gulf of Mexico.

Harvesting of Viking genetics is believed to have begun around 800 A.D.

Within our history stories, it is believed the high percentage of Metis children born with ocular albinism is a direct inheritance from Viking genetics brought to North America.

It is a documented, rare genetic syndrome identified within Native peoples (Metis), as 1 in 30 compared to 1 in 3,000 or 1 in 30,000 in other world populations. The static numbers of Metis people with ocular albinism are limited and low, resulting from research on city populations and not rural areas where our population continues to reside.

Recent DNA research affirmed our Metis culture's historical knowledge that DNA could remain dormant. When a population is threatened by self-preservation, the DNA within the next generation can and is triggered to allow our people to appear ‘white’ despite both native and black genetics.

Oral history, stories and real-life science have proven that, from generation to generation, we are chameleons and that our children can be born lighter and darker than their parents.

This phenomenon, within other populations, is claimed not to be possible but does exist within our Metis Sovereign peoples to enable us generation after generation to "hide in plain sight."

Surrounded by a larger population of a left brain patriarchal dominant population, whose continued demands for complete surrender of Our Native matriarchal inheritance, existence, culture and traditions to enable their long-term extermination goals and re-write and expunge the long-term crimes against humanity and ongoing targeting of Native populations.