As with all stories from our history as a separate sovereign race of people, our "Tree of Life" story is rooted in love, caring, cooperation, respect, regard, speaking, and listening to the outside world surrounding us.

Genetically, we are right-brain dominant. The panmixia colonial society around us does not speak, act or conduct itself from the heart or instincts. They do so from their world of rude war, promoting fear, hatred and isolation, demanding a disconnect from each other, Clan, and Our Sovereign Nation, which we inherit from our Mother.

As a separate, sovereign, Native Nation, we followed the dictates and instructions to harvest and blend all colours of people into one being, fulfilling the demand within the history of a hostile colonial environment of corporate colonization; we have passed on our knowledge, culture and traditions.

We have passed those abilities on as our philosophical beliefs supported them. From generation to generation, we wrote upon our genetics and arrived at this point.

We have verbally passed on the knowledge that, as with our creation story of "The Girl Who Fell from the Sky," one branch of our ancestors, identified and affirmed by the Aymaran people, travelled from afar in a ship that landed on Lake Titicaca in South America.

We know within our oral history, as supported by the science of genetics, that our ancestors lived, prospered, and harvested the genetics of the original Aymaran People for many generations. Together, they built a civilization that surpassed all others that lived and thrived from approximately 200 B.C. to 1450 A.D.

The Aztec arrival occurred 1,650 years later, in approximately 1,450 A.D. Through the oral and written history of the Aymaran peoples, it is believed that the Aztecs also came from the stars. Before their arrival, the Tiwanaku People disappeared entirely from the Bolivian region and South America.

Our oral history identifies, as confirmed by genetics, that we, a sovereign people, were gathered by the Kanata and, using canoes, travelled north on the Amazon River, then crossed over the great water to arrive in the distant land of North America.

Our journey over many generations using the waterways and offshoots of the Mississippi River and what is now called the St. Lawrence River brought us to the Boreal Forest. As is the way of our Mother's blood, we spread out and continued to harvest DNA as directed by the grandmothers, and in this way, shared our genetics and our beginning stories.