Our Native DNA

The following is written by Chief Dr. Ikway Michine, Our Matriarchal Tribal Inherited Leader of the Anishinabek Solutrean Metis Indigenous Nation.

Our DNA continues to respond to protect our Nation's future and our children’s children as it always did against the constant threat to the intrinsic long-term, patriarchal policies inflicted upon them. The same policies supporting religiously-held sexism and racism that, by intention and omission, feed the ongoing war against the historic Metis People and our mother.

DNA research has found our genetics have also travelled extensively, including across the northern part of Kanata, and have spread our DNA past the Bering Strait. Modern genetics found our seeded DNA in Europe / Asia, in direct conflict with the claim that we came from there.

Our Nation's history identifies that Native children were kidnapped following WWII, and the Dominion of Canada shipped 60,000 of those Native children to Germany. That action appears to have enabled several goals, namely exterminating the Native population in Kanata, terrorizing Native parents/Communities, and increasing the claim of “public goodwill” of the German population decimated by war.

As Metis People, we have gathered the seeds of all colours of persons, inclusive of Asian genetics. The Chinese circumnavigated the globe at the height of their civilization, and those maps were secreted out of China during the period of isolation and were used by Christopher Columbus to gain funding for his ships.

Archeological digs have found Chinese ships in most ocean-flowing rivers from Maine to South America, from California to British Columbia, extending down both shores. In placing the limited values and culture of the society he was paid to represent, Columbus believed that the Chinese, on arrival to North America, had the same goals as Spain: to exterminate, consume and take over Native populations and culture to be replaced with the Chinese Nation.

The Chinese people's goals were not that of the Europeans. Stranded by storm and shipwreck, the Chinese were welcomed into Native communities. Their genetics were harvested and blended with ours.

The Chinese, unlike European explorers, travelled with women and children and had foodstuff and seeds to plant, as well as ballast stones to evenly weigh their ships to be used as docks and building materials.

The Chinese explorers, unlike Columbus, had everything they needed on their ships to survive. Archaeologists have found multiple proofs of Chinese existence in North America, pre-Columbus.

Champlain was not the first foreigner to come to Kanata. He was, however, one of the few who chose to return to his traditional lands. Champlain and his men sat on the shores of the St. Lawrence River for two years. They did not hunt, fish, forage for food, or attempt to sustain themselves once their supplies were deleted.

The Native ancestors hunted, foraged, and harvested and taught them how to build shelters. And, as confirmed by historical stories, our Native ancestors also provided for their survival, including teaching them the values of Vitamin C, nutrition, and prevention hygiene.

During the two years Champlain’s company sat on the shores of the St. Lawrence River, it is recorded that over 70 men deserted and chose to go with native people to be adopted into their clans and communities.

My lineage can be traced back to the Duke of Montenay, who landed in Manhattan representing the King of France. The Duke of Montenay, on gaining knowledge of the French Revolution, and his head, being of more value detached from his body, along with the entire royal family of France and his male associates, disappeared into the woods and willingly added their genetics to ours.